广告 关闭


吉林济邦洪德堂成立于2005年,公司现已经发展成为一家集研、工、农副、商于一体的集团化综合型现代化公司,是吉林市药监局招商引资、吉林市舒兰经济开发区重点招商扶持的企业,是吉林省纪检委软环境办公室重点扶持的项目,由美国Washington大学的1992年诺贝尔医学奖获得者――Edmond H. Fischer教授提供成果,是吉林大学爱德蒙德费舍尔细胞信号传导实验室研发基地。   洪德堂简介   现在我公司已经通过了ISO9001质量体系认证和ISO14001环境体系认证,中药饮片GMP认证,绿色食品认证,保健食品GMP认证,食品QS认证等。   公司现下设全资子公司:吉林济邦洪德堂制药有限公司、吉林济邦洪德堂医药有限公司、吉林济邦洪德堂科研基地、吉林济邦洪德堂种养殖基地、延边洪德绿色生物科技有限公司;并于2008年,同天津仁怡生物工程技术有限公司和吉林济邦洪德堂制药有限公司合资成立了吉林吉津生物工程技术有限公司。   1、 全资子公司:   吉林济邦洪德堂制药有限公司建设用地41239.5平方米,目前建成GMP的洁净厂房10000余平方米,包括前处理提取车间和固体制剂车间;综合办公楼2400余平方米,仓库及动力站2000余平方米,能生产中药饮片、片剂、胶囊剂、颗粒剂、洗液等。本公司以现代生物科技为主导,以市场需求为导向,通过创造具有独立知识产权的新药,形成市场核心竞争力和控制力。与吉林大学爱德蒙德费舍尔细胞信号传导实验室共同研制的新药品种(蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTPIB)为靶标筛选治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病药物;蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTPIB)为靶标筛选治疗肥胖症药物;治疗骨髓增生综合症的生化药物开发;治疗癌症和免疫缺陷综合症的生化药物。)正在进入临前的研究阶段。目前还余4000平方米洁净厂房,能生产冻干粉针、水针、Ⅰ类包材等。   吉林济邦洪德堂医药有限公司主要经营中成药、中药材(体外培育牛黄)、中药饮片(已经通过GMP认证)、化学药制剂、化学原料药、抗生素、生化药品、医疗器械的批发销售、土特产品的收购和销售。本公司已经取得武汉健民药业的体外培育牛黄在吉林省代理权。   吉林济邦洪德堂种养殖基地占地500公顷,位于长白山余脉――舒兰深山区,是无污染的原始生态园区,以种植西洋参、五味子、黑木耳,饲养梅花鹿、马鹿为主百余种中药材,为制药公司提供药品和食品原料。吉林济邦洪德堂科研基地占地30余公顷,是专供新药品种研制的原料种植基地,为吉林大学爱德蒙德费舍尔细胞信号传导实验室提供原始的、可靠的数据。   延边洪德绿色生物科技有限公司,是我公司于2008年在延边汪清的投资项目,依托长白山的天然生物资源,依靠东北亚经济圈地源优势,组建的集长白山特产野生资源开发、生产、销售的现代化绿色、有机、无公害食品企业。主要研发生产加工出口,品牌黑木耳、木耳砖、人参、猴头、灵芝、松子、榛磨、蕨菜、等地道的长白山绿色食品,并生产黑木耳酱油,黑木耳大酱,黑木耳多糖多元素,松子,果仁系列食品,及长城健康酱油、长城黑木耳饮料、朝鲜族小菜。   长白山是欧亚大陆北半部有代表性的典型自然综合体,以长白山“物种基因库”和“天然博物馆”作为山珍主产区为原料供应基地,以公司自有的生态园和公司加农户的模式为基础。经人员采集、选料、再经过现代化加工工艺的处理,在标准的环境、生产技术和卫生标准下加工生产,全面保证了我公司出品的产品的无污染、无毒害、安全及高营养的特点。   采用全自动生产加工设备和的管理机制,确保产品品质的优越性,我公司强势打造并推出的洪德堂牌系列绿色产品,全部原料的选择均来自长白山区无污染区,我公司将打造长白山土特产、长白山绿色有机无公害食品、长白山食用菌培育的品牌。并建立围绕东北亚贸易圈的长白山野生黑木耳、土特产品的农贸集散基地。   我公司的洪德堂牌黑木耳已经通过国家绿色食品认证中心的认证,并准予使用绿色食品标志。是吉林省一家通过此类认证的企业。   2、合资公司   吉林吉津生物工程技术有限公司。由天津仁怡生物工程技术有限公司和吉林济邦洪德堂制药有限公司于2008年8月合资成立,作为天津市、吉林市玫瑰种植与深加工技术工程中心的运营载体,是一家致力于生物与医药领域研究与开发,集研发、生产、销售于一体的综合性企业。公司主要从事天然生物的医用、药用、食用及化妆品等原料的种植技术、提取技术及制品的研发、销售、生产等项目。公司的产品主要包括:天然生物植物制品、洗涤用品、化妆品、食品、饮料等。此外,公司还承担为天津食品进出口公司检验检测的任务。   公司与中科院沈阳生态研究所 签署了全面合作、玫瑰品种基地建设及产品深加工、技术人员培训、联合共建工程技术中心四项协议,开创了院企合作的成功范例。 公司主要技术依托中科院沈阳应用生态研究所。天津食品进出口股份有限公司、天津义聚永酒业酿造有限公司、中科院沈阳应用生态研究所等五家单位共同组建了天津市玫瑰种植与深加工技术工程中心,并于2006年12月13日经天津市科学技术委员会批准成立。   公司已拥有玫瑰品种示范园一处、完成规划面积23亩玫瑰品种展示园的基础设施建设,园内种植国内各类玫瑰苗木20余种。并有2000平米中试车间、实验室,建立了玫瑰网站。目前公司针对现有玫瑰资源,研制生产玫瑰保健品及化妆品,引进适合加工的玫瑰品种,为初级产品的深加工利用提供依据;以品质性状为主,采用常规和现代生物技术手段选择培育适合特定用途的优良品种。根据国内外市场需求,研发适销对路的玫瑰产品,特别是功能性产品;研究的玫瑰综合利用,通过产品梯次产出,开发玫瑰加工废弃物(水)资源化技术,实现零排放或少排放,提高加工企业经营效益;进一步开发天然植物药用原料。   公司正着力加强中医药等产品的研发,对正在进行的毒理试验的植物提取物,先期列入保健品的生产计划。   作为21世纪的特色产业,玫瑰产业具有的发展前景和市场潜力。吉林吉津生物工程技术有限公司奉行“以研发为基础,以服务促销售,以诚信树品牌”的市场开发战略,充分利用天津市、吉林市玫瑰种植与深加工技术工程中心的技术优势,增加与国内外的合作,在玫瑰深加工及系列产品研发和从植物中提取药物两大领域深入发展,致力于销售和服务两支队伍建设,充分利用多年培育的人脉与山东平阴、甘肃永登全国两大玫瑰产地实行战略合作,坚持走科研质量品牌发展之路,为玫瑰产业的发展做出自己的贡献。   吉林济邦洪德堂以诚信为理念,以产品质量求生存,谋发展,愿与各方有识之士共谋发展大计。      Brief Introduction to Hongdetang   Jilin Jibang Hongdetang was established in 2005. The company has now already developed into a conglomerate comprehensive modern company that integrates scientific research, industry, agriculture and sideline industry, and commerce. It is an enterprise that is introduced by Jilin City Pharmaceutical Supervision Bureau, and strongly supported by Jilin City Shulan Economic Development Zone, as well as the Jilin Province Disciplinary Inspection Commission Soft Environment Office. The scientific research fruit is provided by Edmond H. Fischer, the winner of Nobel Medicine Prize in 1992 from American Washington University. It is the research and development base of Jilin University Edmond Fischer Cell Signal Conducting Lab.   Now our company has already passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification and the ISO14001 international environment system certification, the traditional Chinese medicine tablets ready for decoction GMP certification, China organic foods certification, healthy food GMP certification, and food QS certification and so on.   Under the company, there are the following wholly-owned subsidiaries: Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Medical Co., Ltd, Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Scientific Research Base, Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Planting and Breeding Base, and Yanbian Hongde Green Biological Scientific and Technological Co., Ltd; in 2008, the company established a joint-venture Jilin Jijin Bio-engineering Technological Co., Ltd with Tianjing Renyi Bio-engineering Technological Co., Ltd and Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   1.Wholly-owned subsidiary:   Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd covers a construction area of 41,239.5 square meters and at present, an over 10,000 square meters’ GMP clean factory workshop has been established, including pre-treatment extraction workshop and solid preparation workshop; the comprehensive office building is over 2,400 square meters, and the warehouse and power station is over 2,000 square meters, which can produce traditional Chinese medicine tablets ready for decoction, tablet, capsule granule, pelletized granule, and cleaning solution and so on. This company takes the modern biotechnology as the leading advantage, takes the market demand as guidance, and through creating new medicine with independent intellectual property rights, our company has formed the market core competitiveness and controlling force. The new medicine (protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTPIB)) developed together with Jilin University Edmond Fischer Cell Signal Conducting Lab is a kind of target screening medicine for treating type II diabetes; protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTPIB) is the target screening medicine for treating obesity; development of bio-chemical medicines for treating marrow proliferation syndrome; as well as bio-chemical medicines for treating cancer and immunodeficiency syndrome. Now we are entering research stage before clinic. At present, there is still 4,000 square meters’ clean factory workshop, which can produce freeze-dry powder needle, water needle and type I packaging material, etc.   Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Medicine Co., Ltd is mainly engaged in the wholesaling of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicinal material (in vitro cultivation bezoar), traditional Chinese medicine tablets ready for decoction (already passed the GMP certification), chemical medicine preparation, chemical raw material medicine, antibiotics, biochemical medicine, and medical instrument, as well as the purchasing and sale of local and special products. This company has already obtained the exclusive power of agency in Jilin province of Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical in vitro cultivation bezoar.   Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Planting and Breeding Base occupies an area of 500 hectares. It is located at the peripheral foot of Mt. Changbai—the remote mountain area of Shulan. It is non-polluted original ecological zone, mainly growing American ginseng, the fruit of Chinese magnoliavine, and blackfungus, and breeding spotted deer and red deer, as well as over one hundred types of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, which can provide quality medical products and food raw materials for pharmaceutical companies. Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Scientific Research Base covers an area of over 30 hectares, which is a raw material growing base solely for developing new medicine types, and which can provide the most original and reliable data for Jilin University Edmond Fischer Cell Signal Conducting Lab.   Yanbian Hongde Green Biotechnological Co. Ltd is the investing project of our company in Wangqing of Yanbian in 2008. Depending on the natural biological resources in Mt. Changbai, based on the geographical advantage of the Northeast Asia economic cycle, we establish the modern green, organic and safe food producing company integrating development, production and sales of wild special product of locality resources in Mt. Changbai. We mainly develop, produce, process, and export Hongdetang brand blackfungus, blackfungus brick, ginseng, hedgehog fungus, glossy ganoderma, pine nut, matsutske, mellea armillaria sporophore, and fern etc. local and quality Mt. Changbai green food; and we also produce Great Wall healthy soy sauce、Great Wall blackfungus drink, blackfungus soy source, blackfungus source, blackfungus polysaccharide multielement, pine nut, kernel series food, and Korean national minority vegetable, etc.   Mt. Changbai is most representative natural complex in the north of Eurasia. We use “the species gene bank” and “natural museum” as the main material supply base for rare mountainous products, and the basis is the self-contained ecological planting and breeding garden systems of the company and the mode of company + peasant household. Through collecting and material selection of professional people, and through treatment of modern processing technique, all the products are produced and processed in standard environment, production technology and hygiene standard, which comprehensively guarantees the non-polluted, non-toxic, safe and quality, and high nutritious features of the products produced in our company.   We adopt the full automatic producing and processing facilities and advanced management mechanism to ensure the superiority of the quality of products. The company tries hard to create the Hongdetang brand series green food products and all the raw materials come from the non-polluted area of Mt. Changbai. We will create authoritative brand of Mt. Changbai special product of locality, Mt. Changbai green, organic and safe food, and Mt. Changbai edible fungus. Moreover, we have also established the biggest agricultural logistic distribution base of Mt. Changbai wild blackfungus and special products of locality in China and around the Northeast Asia trade circle.   Our company's Hongdetang brand blackfungus has passed certification of the national green food certification center, and is approved to use the green food brand. It is the only company in Jilin province that passes this kind of certification.   2. Joint-venture company   Jilin Jijin Bio-engineering Technological Co., Ltd. It was established in August 2008 by Tianjin Renyi Bio-engineering Technological Co., Ltd and Jilin Jibang Hongdetang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. As the operational carrier of Tianjin City and Jilin City rose planting and deep-processing technological project center, it is a comprehensive enterprise that is devoted to research and development in biological and medical fields, and that integrates research and development, production, and sales. The company is mainly engaged in such projects as planting technology of medical use, drug use, edible and cosmetics raw materials for natural biology, extracting technology, as well as the research and development, sales and production of manufactured products. The main products of the company are: natural biological plant products, cleaning products, cosmetics, food, and drink, etc. Besides, the company also undertakes the inspecting and testing task for Tianjin Food Import and Export Company.   The company has signed four contracts with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang Ecological Research Institute, including comprehensive cooperation, rose breed base construction and product deep-processing, professional and technical staff training, and joint construction engineering technology center, which starts the successful model of cooperation between academy and enterprise. The company establishes Tianjin rose planting and deep-processing technological engineering center with the five units such as Tianjin Food Import and Export Co. Ltd., Tianjin Yijuyong Wine Industry Brewery Co., Ltd, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang Applied Ecological Research Institute, etc. And on December 13, 2006, the center was established after being approved by Tianjin City Science and Technology Commission.   The company owns one rose breed demonstration garden, and has finished the infrastructure construction of the 23 mu rose breed exhibition garden, and over 23 kinds of roses from home and abroad are planted in the garden. And the company has one 2,000 square meters semiworks plant, lab and has established the Chinese Rose Website. At present, based on the current rose resources, the company is studying and producing rose health products and cosmetics, introducing rose breeds suitable for processing, which can provide foundation for the deep-processing of primary products; based on quality property, the company adopts regular and modern biological technology means to select and cultivate quality breeds suitable for special usage. According to needs of home and abroad market, we company try to develop readily marketable rose products, especially functional products; the company studies the comprehensive utilization of rose, and through product echelon production, develops rose processing waste (water) resource technology to realize zero discharge or little discharge, and enhances the operational efficiency of processing companies; as well as further develops natural plant medicinal raw materials. The company is trying to strengthen research and development of traditional Chinese products, and the plant extraction in current toxical experiment will be preferentially listed into the production plan of health product.   As the characteristic industry in 21st century, rose industry has huge development prospect and market potential. Jilin Jijin Bio-engineering Technological Co., Ltd carries out the market development strategy of “take the research and development as foundation, use service to promote sale, and establish brand based on honesty”, and by fully utilizing the technological advantage of rose planting in Tianjin City and Jilin City and the deep processing technology engineering center, the company increases the broad cooperation with domestic and foreign companies, develops further in the two fields of rose deep-processing and series products research and development and extracting medicinal materials from plants, is devoted to construction of sales and service troupes, and by fully utilizing the personal relationship cultivated in many years, the companies establishes strategic cooperation with Shandong Pingyin and Gansu Yongdeng two big rose production bases, sticks to the development path of scientific research, quality and brand, which can help it contribute to the development of rose industry in China.   Jilin Jibangtang takes good faith as the concept, strives for survival and seeks development through product quality. It is willing to seek development with people with insight from all walks of life.


